The long awaited first CD by the London African Gospel Choir is available now!
The Pan-African origins of the choir has produced a hybrid of influences in their music, resulting in a powerful gospel album. The five songs come from the choir's first set of their Graceland show
The London African Gospel Choir developed their craft on the live music circuit and are principally known for their acclaimed take on Paul Simon’s “Graceland” album that has recently been wooing crowds across the UK and in the USA. Such has been the popularity of their interpretation of “Graceland”, in August they embark on a comprehensive tour of major venues in the UK when the new album will be performed in the first part of the show. Tour dates: Now over 15 years since their conception the LAGC present their first recording; five inspirational choral and musical arrangements in a unique style of their own, the songs are very much the result of a collective approach to music making. Interestingly the pan-African origins of the choir has produced a hybrid of influences in their music, blending Congolese guitars with South and East African vocal patterns and West African horns, held together by universal African rhythms, and being gospel music inevitably you will heart the influence of black American church music. Though long in starting, this is likely to be the beginning of an extensive recording career for the LAGC, there is no shortage of material for them; drawing on an extensive catalogue of traditional African gospel music, and the prospects of their of compositions has us anticipating more great things to come from the collective. Over the years the choir has performed on stage and television with stars like Emile Sande, Mumford and Sons, Tom Jones and the Soweto Gospel Choir. With whom they made a triumphant appearance at London’s O2 Arena, singing in front 17,000 people. Annie Lennox also invited them to perform at a number of prestigious events, including her reception at the MITS Award and the choir has worked with actor/director Idris Elba, star of “Mandela: Long Road to Freedom” who recruited them to sing and compose a song on his album celebrating South African music recorded in tribute to Nelson Mandela.
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